Things that matched 'swfobject'

  • ExternalInterface examples

    ExternalInterface is the API in the Flash Player that allows you to send data into an embedded SWF once it's running in a web page....

  • Sort your detection scripts out!

    With Flash Player 10 installs up to 65%, it's high time you reviewed your embed code and detection scripts to be sure you aren't excluding...

  • How can script injections be good?

    Wandering around the various blogs and forums relating to ActionScript, as I frequently do, I came across an article that not really troubled me. Over on...

  • stageWidth is zero in IE

    There's a strange bug in SWFs embedded in IE using SWFObject where even after your ADDED_TO_STAGE events have fired, on initialisation both stage.stageWidth and stage.stageHeight...