Things that matched 'limited'

  • Blinkbox gets StageVideo

    Overnight we're going from mains-connected machines with fast CPUs and oodles of memory to devices that are constrained by the limited power their batteries supply,...

  • Oh noes! Not dirty Flash again!

    You'll most likely have seen the frenzy of news around Adobe's announcement to discontinue development of the Flash Player mobile browser plugin. Adobe cited resources...

  • Review: BlackBerry PlayBook

    I was lucky enough to get my hands on my new BlackBerry PlayBook tablet a few weeks before they officially arrived in the UK. With...

  • Bye bye free Spotify

    I was saddened to learn that Spotify - the Swedish music streaming service that has changed the way millions of us consume music - is...

  • H.264 Flash Lite 3.1 on Nintendo Wii

    I was recently asked to look into the capabilities of video playback in Flash Lite 3.1 on the Wii Internet Channel. I decided it might...

  • More FMS Gems

    Here are a couple more fiddly FMS workarounds that have presented themselves over the past few months; which can cost dearly is ignored: Failing to...

  • Flex Developer

    As I step further into the new world of Flex 2 and Actionscript 3, I have become all too aware of the limited nature of...