Things that matched 'in'

  • A-Star Digital Downloads

    Conducted as a feasibility project, to ascertain technical constraints and costs involved with operating a bespoke music download service. The outcome was a fully functional...

  • Flash Media Player

    Produced for t|Factor Inc, a Nevada-based training company, the media player is a Flash/XML solution, that allows selection and playback of streamed FLV files. Content...

  • Mortgage Calculator

    A new mortgage calculator, developed in just a couple of weeks, is online now at...

  • The Flex 2 beast!

    After a nice break, I'm back working with Flex 2 - which is built on the back of Eclipse. Having great fun with this at...

  • I'm linked In!

    I've just signed-up and setup my Linked-In profile, and it's now there for all to see. Linked-In is a networking community, that allows you to...

  • Repayment RIA

    The past month has pretty much flown by, and largely due to my time being occupied with the development of a Flash-based rich internet application....

  • Flash Media Player

    I am close to delivering a content managed rich internet application (RIA); a web-based Flash Media Player. On the front-end it allows users to browse...

  • Vista delayed until 2007

    Windows Vista, Microsoft's latest release of their operating system since Windows XP, has been delayed until at least January 2007. Originally, the OS was due...

  • W3C compliant accessibility

    An accessible, W3C compliant, version of the website is now live. Built entirely in XHTML and CSS, the site is both light, and easily read...

  • Does Google rule?

    It's not all about Google! Officially, the world's 'top' search engine has lower conversion figures than AOL, MSN and Yahoo! Therefore, it is critical that...

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165 articles