Things that matched 'files'

  • Turn off Build automatically!

    It's amazing how many developers don't mess with any of the standard configuration settings in Flex Builder/Eclipse. They sit there waiting up to a minute,...

  • Flex Builder integration with TFS

    The development team I'm part of uses Team Foundation Server as the backbone for its source control and task management. The client for this is...

  • Policy file logging

    A very handy debug feature that was added with player was the ability to write the policy requests the player makes, and the responses...

  • Myspace link-up with BK

    2007 is already proving to be a productive year, with extensive output for Lisa Lashes and the Electoral Reform Society, and now things have taken...

  • Flash Media Player

    Produced for t|Factor Inc, a Nevada-based training company, the media player is a Flash/XML solution, that allows selection and playback of streamed FLV files. Content...

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25 articles