Things that matched 'example'

  • Turn off Build automatically!

    It's amazing how many developers don't mess with any of the standard configuration settings in Flex Builder/Eclipse. They sit there waiting up to a minute,...

  • Flex Builder integration with TFS

    The development team I'm part of uses Team Foundation Server as the backbone for its source control and task management. The client for this is...

  • What's happened to stage? Unravelling the display list

    You're trying to do something like: public class MyClass extends Sprite { public function MyClass() { ...

  • Sprite, buttonMode and nested TextFields

    I've noticed a few problems getting Sprites to behave properly in buttonMode when a TextField is nested within. An example would be using the drawing...

  • Marla Rutherford Photography

    I recently worked on a Flash website refresh for Daniel Stromborg Design in Los Angeles. Their client was photographer Marla Rutherford, who uses her site...


    Describing itself as the 'The social music revolution', I'm really interested in the site on a number of levels. First, it's a great concept. Type...

  • I'm at Flash on the Beach

    I'm braving the stormy weather to be at the first (hopefully of many) Flash on the Beach conference. I've already seen some great examples of work...

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37 articles