Things that matched 'example'

  • Intro to OSMF

    I gave a presentation to the Midlands Flash Platform User Group on 8th August about Adobe's new Open Source Media Framework (or OSMF for short)....

  • Flash listener priorities - depth reincarnated!

    Listener priorities have the potential to introduce dependencies and smell into your app. There, I said it, but here's why: As we all know, AS3.0 came...

  • Basic crossdomain policy files

    When a SWF wants to load data from the same domain, or a domain other than the one it was served from, the server on...

  • What is Flex?

    After answering many questions relating to this issue on, I've come to the conclusion that it would be a helpful, and a time-saving exercise,...

  • What is an ArrayCollection?

    What is an ArrayCollection? For developers new to Flex, possibly one of the most confusing parts of understanding how to use the Flex Framework is the...

  • 10 things I like about Flex Builder 4

    After getting my hands on a copy of the Flex Builder 4 alpha during Heidi Williams and Ryan Stewart's session at MAX Milan; I dashed...

  • Interesting feature of the contains() method

    We've all been playing around with ActionScript 3.0 for some time now, but it's amazing how much of the core display list features remain a...

  • ExpressInstall is just sooo good!

    I mean, look at this code for example: this.attachMovie("block", "blocker", 12000); blocker._width = 10000; blocker._height = 10000; Another gleaming example of the calibre of developer they put on this...

  • How can script injections be good?

    Wandering around the various blogs and forums relating to ActionScript, as I frequently do, I came across an article that not really troubled me. Over on...

  • Duplicate event listeners

    I got asked the other day what happens if you already have a listener assigned to an object and then reassign it again. Wondering under...

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37 articles