Things that matched 'Flex'

  • What is an ArrayCollection?

    What is an ArrayCollection? For developers new to Flex, possibly one of the most confusing parts of understanding how to use the Flex Framework is the...

  • dataProvider & Array access notation

    I picked up on an interesting post over on Flex Developer the other day about Arrays and ArrayCollections apparently 'morphing' during the course of a...

  • Please give us a 3.0.2 hotfix!

    Since mid-December there has been a bug on the Adobe bug bystem for Flex Builder 3.0.2x/Flash Player 10, detailing that an error message appears whilst...

  • 10 things I like about Flex Builder 4

    After getting my hands on a copy of the Flex Builder 4 alpha during Heidi Williams and Ryan Stewart's session at MAX Milan; I dashed...

  • Are defaults a good idea?

    Consider the following method signature: public function start( time:int=5, stop:int=7, message:String=null, error:String="There was an error", align:String="center" ) :void {} Initially, this would seem a hassle free way of...

  • How can script injections be good?

    Wandering around the various blogs and forums relating to ActionScript, as I frequently do, I came across an article that not really troubled me. Over on...

  • Duplicate event listeners

    I got asked the other day what happens if you already have a listener assigned to an object and then reassign it again. Wondering under...

  • Remove redundant workspaces

    After a while of using Flex Builder (or Eclipse), you end up with a load of workspaces lying around that are seldom used. When their...

  • Typed Arrays - Hurray!

    I for one am very pleased to see that the typed Array is making a debut in the forthcoming Flash Player 10 release! For those...

  • Turn off Build automatically!

    It's amazing how many developers don't mess with any of the standard configuration settings in Flex Builder/Eclipse. They sit there waiting up to a minute,...

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67 articles