Things that matched 'DisplayObject'

  • Flex Strobe Media Playback component

    Want Strobe Media Playback compiling into your Flex application; displaying as a UIComponent that resizes according to the constraints imposed by the parent container? This...

  • Building Flex video applications with OSMF

    It was a real pleasure to be invited to speak at the first Flex London User Group meeting of 2011, which took place at Academy...

  • Flex & PopUpManagerPlus

    This trivial wrapper for mx.managers.PopUpManager allows you monitor the number of active pop-ups in your Flex app, as well as a convenience method to removeAllPopUps() package { import...

  • Getting started with OSMF 1.5

    In a bid to consolidate some of my earlier blog posts about getting up and running with the Open Source Media Framework (OSMF), here is...

  • OSMF 0.93 Examples

    So we're told that "API Lockdown" is now in effect - the point at which we can all rest a little easier a night, safe...

  • Subclips in OSMF

    I've been very interested in the capabilities of the Open Source Media Framework (OSMF) to allow the division of a single piece of media into...

  • OSMF 0.9 Examples

    Another sprint (9 and counting) and yet another truckload of enhancements to the OSMF API. This version brings the framework much closer to what the...

  • Cloning ArrayCollection

    There are plenty of occasions where you might want to be able to create an exact clone of a complex/nested data objects, without your new...

  • Interesting feature of the contains() method

    We've all been playing around with ActionScript 3.0 for some time now, but it's amazing how much of the core display list features remain a...

  • Typed Arrays - Hurray!

    I for one am very pleased to see that the typed Array is making a debut in the forthcoming Flash Player 10 release! For those...

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12 articles