Things that matched 'listener'

  • Intro to OSMF

    I gave a presentation to the Midlands Flash Platform User Group on 8th August about Adobe's new Open Source Media Framework (or OSMF for short)....

  • Flash listener priorities - depth reincarnated!

    Listener priorities have the potential to introduce dependencies and smell into your app. There, I said it, but here's why: As we all know, AS3.0 came...

  • What is an ArrayCollection?

    What is an ArrayCollection? For developers new to Flex, possibly one of the most confusing parts of understanding how to use the Flex Framework is the...

  • Duplicate event listeners

    I got asked the other day what happens if you already have a listener assigned to an object and then reassign it again. Wondering under...

  • stageWidth is zero in IE

    There's a strange bug in SWFs embedded in IE using SWFObject where even after your ADDED_TO_STAGE events have fired, on initialisation both stage.stageWidth and stage.stageHeight...

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15 articles