Things that matched 'find'

  • Mac OS find files using regex

    If you want to find files of a certain type (extension) within a directory, and nested directories, the following Terminal bash command works perfectly on...

  • Eclipse: An error has occurred. See the log file .metadata/.log

    You're trying to open Eclipse in a workspace you've been working in for ages, but all you see is an error message stating: An error has...

  • Nexus 7 doesn't appear in adb devices list

    Periodically, you come up against the issue where a device connected to your computer doesn't show in the list when you type adb devices at...

  • 403 Forbidden error on Mac web server

    After upgrading Mac OS, or attempting to start the Web Sharing service for the first time, you may find browsing to your document root causes...

  • Getting error with manually created NIB?

    If when you're running your application, you see the following in your console window - Applications are expected to have a root view controller at...

  • Failed to get the task for process xx

    This error occurs because you're trying to connect the Xcode debugger to an app that has been compiled with an adhoc distribution provisioning profile/certifcate. Recompile...

  • Oh noes! Not dirty Flash again!

    You'll most likely have seen the frenzy of news around Adobe's announcement to discontinue development of the Flash Player mobile browser plugin. Adobe cited resources...

  • OSMF 1.6 Presentation

    This Thursday (20th October 2011) the OSMF user group has the second of two presentations from Catalin (Kimi) Dobre - Adobe's Technical Leader on the...

  • Reports of Flash's demise are overstated.

    I found it quite interesting how all of the reporting over Microsoft's Windows 8 announcement at the BUILD conference in LA focused around Microsoft banning...

  • blinkbox on Samsung TVs

    As part of improving the access of blinkbox's extensive range of content, I've been working with the engineering team on an app that is now...

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36 articles