Speaking at OSMF User Group

Posted: 09/02/11

An image of Speaking at OSMF User Group

I'm pleased to be delivering my presentation about building OSMF applications in Flex at the OSMF User Group, which will be held live and online at 20:00 UTC on 16th February.

My talk is called "Building streaming media applications easily with OSMF and Flex" and will cover the essentials of getting up and and running quickly with the Open Source Media Framework and Strobe Media Playback (SMP) in Flex applications. This is my second presentation to the OSMF User Group; since my first one the group has grown massively in size, so I hope everyone will be kind!!

The session is open to all and is easily accessed through any Internet-connected device with Flash Player 10.1 or better.


The recording for this session can be viewed here.

In the presentation I refer to a few entries on my blog:

* The getting started with OSMF 1.5 samples.

* The slides and the basic OSMF UIComponent examples.

* Creating an StrobeMediaPlayback UIComponent.

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Keywords for this post: osmf, presentation, user group, flex, actionscript 3, UIComponent, adobe, connect