Things that matched 'resources'

  • Eclipse: An error has occurred. See the log file .metadata/.log

    You're trying to open Eclipse in a workspace you've been working in for ages, but all you see is an error message stating: An error has...

  • Blinkbox gets StageVideo

    Overnight we're going from mains-connected machines with fast CPUs and oodles of memory to devices that are constrained by the limited power their batteries supply,...

  • Oh noes! Not dirty Flash again!

    You'll most likely have seen the frenzy of news around Adobe's announcement to discontinue development of the Flash Player mobile browser plugin. Adobe cited resources...

  • OSMF 1.6 Presentation

    This Thursday (20th October 2011) the OSMF user group has the second of two presentations from Catalin (Kimi) Dobre - Adobe's Technical Leader on the...

  • Flex Builder integration with TFS

    The development team I'm part of uses Team Foundation Server as the backbone for its source control and task management. The client for this is...

  • ASDT and linked resources

    Whilst I find working in Eclipse, using the ASDT plug-in, one of the best and time efficient ways of developing Flash applications, I'm finding the...

  • New server

    I've been setting up a new web server to host my sites on. Because of the necessary DNS changes, sites will have varying levels of...