Things that matched 'connect'

  • ADB device driver won't install

    There have been quite a few occasions where I've found Android devices won't be recognised by the ADB interface on my PC, when connected by...

  • Updated blinkbox iPad app

    I'm pleased to report that the latest version of the blinkbox app for iPad has arrived in the App Store. blinkbox Player v2.3 offers users...

  • Nexus 7 doesn't appear in adb devices list

    Periodically, you come up against the issue where a device connected to your computer doesn't show in the list when you type adb devices at...

  • 403 Forbidden error on Mac web server

    After upgrading Mac OS, or attempting to start the Web Sharing service for the first time, you may find browsing to your document root causes...

  • Failed to get the task for process xx

    This error occurs because you're trying to connect the Xcode debugger to an app that has been compiled with an adhoc distribution provisioning profile/certifcate. Recompile...

  • blinkbox on iPad

    You can now stream movies and TV shows you've purchased from on your iPad with blinkbox's new iPad app. Now no matter where you...

  • Blinkbox gets StageVideo

    Overnight we're going from mains-connected machines with fast CPUs and oodles of memory to devices that are constrained by the limited power their batteries supply,...

  • Oh noes! Not dirty Flash again!

    You'll most likely have seen the frenzy of news around Adobe's announcement to discontinue development of the Flash Player mobile browser plugin. Adobe cited resources...

  • blinkbox on LG TVs with Flash

    blinkbox has taken yet another confident step into the living room - this time launching on LG Internet-connect TVs. Accessing the blinkbox app from an...

  • Tesco buys blinkbox

    Just over 3 years ago I joined a little company in central London called blinkbox. As a start-up with a little bit of funding, no-one...

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24 articles