Things that matched 'app'

  • Basic crossdomain policy files

    When a SWF wants to load data from the same domain, or a domain other than the one it was served from, the server on...

  • What is Flex?

    After answering many questions relating to this issue on, I've come to the conclusion that it would be a helpful, and a time-saving exercise,...

  • Cloning ArrayCollection

    There are plenty of occasions where you might want to be able to create an exact clone of a complex/nested data objects, without your new...

  • What is an ArrayCollection?

    What is an ArrayCollection? For developers new to Flex, possibly one of the most confusing parts of understanding how to use the Flex Framework is the...

  • More FMS Gems

    Here are a couple more fiddly FMS workarounds that have presented themselves over the past few months; which can cost dearly is ignored: Failing to...

  • dataProvider & Array access notation

    I picked up on an interesting post over on Flex Developer the other day about Arrays and ArrayCollections apparently 'morphing' during the course of a...

  • Please give us a 3.0.2 hotfix!

    Since mid-December there has been a bug on the Adobe bug bystem for Flex Builder 3.0.2x/Flash Player 10, detailing that an error message appears whilst...

  • 10 things I like about Flex Builder 4

    After getting my hands on a copy of the Flex Builder 4 alpha during Heidi Williams and Ryan Stewart's session at MAX Milan; I dashed...

  • The challenges of streaming video

    It's been a while since my last post, mainly because I've been messing around with Adobe Flash Media Streaming Server 3 , and building a...

  • Are defaults a good idea?

    Consider the following method signature: public function start( time:int=5, stop:int=7, message:String=null, error:String="There was an error", align:String="center" ) :void {} Initially, this would seem a hassle free way of...

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112 articles