Things that matched 'Cursor'

  • 403 Forbidden error on Mac web server

    After upgrading Mac OS, or attempting to start the Web Sharing service for the first time, you may find browsing to your document root causes...

  • Adding/removing items from PATH on Mac

    In Flash Mobile Application Development for Dummies, I said that adding a new path variable on your Mac was a little beyond the scope of...

  • What is an ArrayCollection?

    What is an ArrayCollection? For developers new to Flex, possibly one of the most confusing parts of understanding how to use the Flex Framework is the...

  • mouseChildren?

    Yet another quirk of buttonMode in AS3.0 is the art of getting your MovieClips to behave like buttons to useHandCursor. Simply setting buttonMode=true will only...

  • Sprite, buttonMode and nested TextFields

    I've noticed a few problems getting Sprites to behave properly in buttonMode when a TextField is nested within. An example would be using the drawing...